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Crystal Moon Shack

Lapis Sphere

Lapis Sphere

Regular price $78.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $78.00 USD
Sale Sold out

74.4mm/2.93 inches

Lapis Lazuli is indeed a highly revered and ancient spiritual stone that has been utilized by various cultures throughout history. Its deep blue color, speckled with golden pyrite inclusions, gives it a regal and mystical appearance. Lapis Lazuli holds rich symbolism and is associated with several powerful properties.

One of the prominent aspects of Lapis Lazuli is its association with power, wisdom, and spiritual insight. It has been traditionally used by healers, priests, and royalty to access higher realms of consciousness and stimulate psychic abilities. It is believed to enhance intuition, clairvoyance, and inner vision, allowing individuals to tap into their innate wisdom and connect with universal truths. Lapis Lazuli is often regarded as a stone of enlightenment and transformation.

In addition to its spiritual significance, Lapis Lazuli is also known for its calming and stress-relieving properties. It has a soothing energy that can help release tension and anxiety, promoting a sense of peace and serenity. This calming effect can aid in creating a balanced and harmonious state of mind, facilitating inner peace and emotional healing.

Lapis Lazuli is also associated with enhancing communication and self-expression. It is believed to stimulate the throat chakra, encouraging effective and authentic communication, as well as the expression of one's thoughts and emotions. It can support individuals in speaking their truth, gaining clarity in their communication, and fostering harmonious relationships.

Furthermore, Lapis Lazuli is regarded as a stone of protection, particularly against negative energies. It is believed to create a shield of energetic protection, guarding against psychic attacks and promoting spiritual well-being.

Overall, Lapis Lazuli is a revered stone that carries deep spiritual and metaphysical significance. Its properties encompass wisdom, spiritual insight, stress relief, communication enhancement, and protection. By incorporating Lapis Lazuli into one's spiritual practices or daily life, individuals may experience a greater connection to higher realms, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of universal truths.

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