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Crystal Moon Shack

Golden Healer Towers

Golden Healer Towers

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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A1 thru D4 are 2 1/2 inches tall each

Golden Healer Quartz is indeed a remarkable crystal with its unique combination of healing properties. It possesses the amplifying qualities of Clear Quartz, allowing it to be programmed with specific intentions and magnify their effects. Additionally, it incorporates the manifestation abilities of Hematite, enabling it to assist in manifesting desired outcomes.

The high vibrations of Golden Healer Quartz work gently but powerfully to raise one's own vibrations, promoting a state of higher consciousness and spiritual connection. It has the capacity to heal wounds not only from this lifetime but also from past lives, integrating all experiences and lessons into a place of peace and clarity. By meditating with Golden Healer Quartz, one can access their lineage and bring unresolved emotions or experiences to the surface for healing.

Owning a piece of Golden Healer Quartz is like having a direct connection to the energy of the sun. It envelops the wearer or holder in the warm golden light, filling their being with the powerful life force energy of the universe. This radiant light cleanses and purifies the auric field, dispelling any negative energies or blockages.

Golden Healer Quartz taps into the energies of the Earth, sun, moon, and stars, representing the divine source. It helps to raise one's vibrations, release energetic blockages, and facilitate the free flow of energy within the body. By connecting with the spirit world and activating the chakras, Golden Healer Quartz aligns one's will with that of the Divine, allowing for a deeper connection with the highest self and the reception of messages and guidance from higher dimensions.

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